目前分類:漏斗胸知識 (134)

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不同於Nuss手術的一步矯正到位, 此治療方式的理念是在凹陷胸骨上植入一磁性物, 然後在胸部外穿戴一支架, 上亦有磁性物, 利用相吸的持續作用, 漸漸將胸骨抬高.

我的看法: 尚不成熟的概念, 是否有效? 附著點太小, 是否能抬起整個前胸或只作用到單點上? 長期的磁性作用在胸前是否會引起未知的併發症, 目前是加大舊金山分校(UCSF)的研究計劃吧. 拭目以待.

Dr. 朱志純 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Compromised cardiac function in exercising teenagers with pectus excavatum.

Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2011; 13(4):377-80 (ISSN: 1569-9285)

Lesbo M; Tang M; Nielsen HH; Frøkiær J; Lundorf E; Pilegaard HK; Hjortdal VE

Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby, Aarhus, Denmark.

凹胸病人主訴易累, 心跳快, 不適及呼吸困難, 但是否與其病理生理相關, 則仍不明確. 我們對75位十多歲的少年(其中有49住有漏斗胸, 26位年紀相仿, 但無漏斗胸)在休息及騎自行車運動時進行觀察. 在休息時以心電圖觀察, 休息及運動時則以心搏出, 心跳, 及有氧運動能力等觀察心肺功能.

在休息時, 病人及對照組(沒漏斗胸問題)的人在心功能上無差異, 但在次極限運動時, 心指數(每平方公尺表面積每分鐘心可打出多少公升的血)則在漏斗胸的病人中明顯地較低 6.6(6.3-7.0); 而對照組則為 8.0(7.3-8.8) ; 而以每平方表面積心每跳可打出多少毫升血則為漏斗胸病人為42(39-45)毫升, 而無漏斗胸者為 54(44-64)毫升. 但心跳速率則沒差別, 顯示,凹胸年輕病人的心功能比同儕明顯要差.



Dr. 朱志純 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Symptomatic pectus excavatum in seniors (SPES): a cardiovascular problem? : A prospective cardiological study of 42 senior patients with a symptomatic pectus excavatum
Neth Heart J. 2011; 19(2):73-8 (ISSN: 1876-6250)

Kragten HA; Siebenga J; Höppener PF; Verburg R; Visker N

Department of Cardiology, Atrium Medical Centre Parkstad Heerlen, Henri Dunantstreet 5, 6419PC, Heerlen, the Netherlands.

研究目的:目前醫師們對凹胸是否是造成症狀嚴重到需要手術治療仍無共識.本研究的目的在於評估年紀較大凹胸病人的症狀的盛行率及嚴重度, 及手術矯治的結果.

研究設計: 本研究為前瞻性臨床病例研究.


方法: 心臟學評估; 包括病史, 身體檢查, 心電圖, 心超音波, 及運動心電圖. 主訴症狀及檢查結果以分數評詁. 分數高並有影像如電腦斷層或核磁共震等顯示有心臟壓迫者, 以傳統切除肋骨方式治療.

結果:42位病人有易累, 低運動能力, 呼吸短促, 心悸, 吸氣阻塞, 偶爾胸痛胸悶等. 19位病人 (45%)在30或40歲才開始有症狀,其中12位(63%)有"不能解釋的心血管不適" 目前有11位病人接受手術, 症狀明顯減輕或完全消失. 所有病人的健康相關生活品質有明顯進步.

結論: 年紀較大有症狀的凹胸病人手術矯治能明顯減輕症狀.


Dr. 朱志純 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

年紀較大的漏斗胸病人對治療後的功能改善, 較兒童差, 但本文針對成年病人的研究發現, 對於運動耐受性及心肺功能, 仍有明顯的改善

Cardiopulmonary response following surgical repair of pectus excavatum in adult patients.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2011; 40(2):e77-82 (ISSN: 1873-734X)

Neviere R; Montaigne D; Benhamed L; Catto M; Edme JL; Matran R; Wurtz A

研究目的: 嚴重凹胸常見於成年病患, 常造成心理及生理功能障礙,雖然在休息時的肺功能在手術後會暫時降低, 但仍不確定外科治療是否會增進運動能力. 這項研究即是在評估凹胸的外科手術治療是否會增進成年病人的運動耐受性.

方法:以前瞻性的研究, 比較手術前及手術一年後的休息時及運動時心肺功能.

結果:由2005年12月至2009年5月, 共有120位成人接受了凹胸矯治手術, 其中70人(61男, 9女), 有完整地手術前, 及手術後6個月及12個月的評估. 年齡由18至62歲(平均27歲); 凹陷指數為4.5 ± 1.1. 休息時的肺功能大致正常; 最大氧攝取率 (peak VO₂)為預期值的 77 ± 2% ; 但在手術一年後的檢查則呈現有些微的肺功能改變, 但氧攝取率則增加到預期值的87 ± 2%. 手術後最大運動的血氧增加表示著換氣能力的增加及更好的心血管對運動適應.

結論: 結果證實成年漏斗胸病人在手術後一年的追踨, 運動心肺功能上有明顯進步.

Dr. 朱志純 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

漏斗胸兒童因胸腔容量減少, 胸壁內凹, 可能有呼吸較費力的現象

Dr. 朱志純 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

微創手術的傷口雖小, 但在胸腔鏡(直徑5mm)的直視下, 不但可看到胸腔內部心臟及肺臟的位置與被壓迫的情形, 也可精確地重要器官及血管, 大輻增加了手術的安全性,

Dr. 朱志純 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

應醫學雜誌之邀稿, 謹對漏斗胸治療的演進做一介紹,供病友們參考。在台灣, 漏斗胸的治療已如先進國家, 早進入了微創手術時代, 但仍有大部分的病友並不熟悉, 而錯失了治療機會.

Mini Review

A Look at the History of Surgery for Pectus Excavatum

Chih-Chun Chu (朱志純)

Formos J Surg 2011;44:1-5

Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of the anterior wall of the chest, in which several ribs,costal cartilages and the sternum grow abnormally and produces a caved-in appearance of the chest. PE is usually considered to be cosmetic; however, depending on its severity, the deformed chest wall can compress the heart and reduce the thoracic volume, and impair cardiac and respiratory function, distort spine curvature, and cause pain in the chest.
A review of the literature shows that the first record of pectus excavatum was probably written in the 16th century by Johan Schenck (1531-1590). Bauhinus (1594)1 described a case in which the patient suffered from shortness of breath and cough as a result of severe pectus excavatum. In 1820, Coulson2 cited a family including three brothers with a funnel chest. In 1872, Williams3 reported a patient born with a pectus excavatum whose father and a brother also suffered from the same condition. Ever since, the reported cases have gradually increased, but treatment before the 20th century was limited to fresh air, breathing exercises and lateral pressure on the chest, all of which probably exerted no substantial beneficial effect. During those early days, technology of surgery and anesthesia was unable to overcome lung collapse during thoracic surgery, and the progress in treatment of pectus excavatum remained stagnant until early 20th century. Meyer in 19114 removed the first, second and third costal cartilages of a patient with pectus excavatum, but apparently did not attained the desired effect. Sauerbruch in 1931,5 performed surgery on a patient with pectus excavatum suffering from severe dyspnea in a negative pressure chamber wherein he removed a part of the anterior chest wall which included the fifth to the ninth costal cartilages, as well as a segment of the adjacent sternum. After the procedure, the patient was able to work, and even married three years later. It is difficult to imagine how science and technology at the time was able to complete such a type of operation. In the 1920’s, he had already advocated bilateral removal of costal cartilages and sternum transection in order to raise the anterior chest wall. After the procedure, according to Sauerbruch the patient had to stay in bed for external traction to hold the anterior chest wall in position for 6 weeks or more. Although the process was very harmful, the technology provided a method of treatment that had not been achieved before, and it soon gained popularity in Europe and the United States.

Fig 1. Compare before (A) and afte (B) Nuss procedure for pectus excavatum, the new technique leaves no surgical scar on the anterior chest wall

In 1939, Ochsner and DeBakey6 published their experience with the Sauerbruch's operation. In the same year, Lincoln Brown7 also published the experience with two of his patients and theorized that the funnel chest is caused by the short diaphragmatic ligaments and the continuous pull of the diaphragm. Adopting the theory and to avoid external retraction after operation, Ravitch modified the operation by complete mobilization of the sternum from its surrounding tissues, with transection of all sternal attachments, including the intercostal bundles, rectus muscles and diaphragmatic attachments. This surgical technique eliminated the need after surgery of an external device to lift the sternum. This is the current socalled traditional surgery most commonly referred to as the Ravitch procedure. This procedure avoid the external retraction but had a higher recurrence rate, and the concept of internal support merged. In 1956, Wallgren and Sulamaa10 introduced for the first time the concept of internal support technology.
They used a stainless steel bar pushed through the sternum to lift the depressed chest wall from the inside. In 1961, Adkins and Blades11 using a similar concept,placed the steel bar beneath the sternum, rather than through the sternum.
In 1958, Welch12 modified the Ravitch procedure by not cutting through all the intercostal bundles and rectus muscle attachments and obtained good results. Pena was greatly disturbed by the idea of resecting the rib cartilages of young children. Haller14 also published a report using the Ravitch procedure, but stated also that the chest wall loses its elasticity, thus affecting the respiratory function (acquired asphyxiating chondrodystrophy). Therefore, he advocated to decrease the amount of cartilage resected for surgical correction of pectus excavatum.
Wada in 1961 reported a corrective operation for the funnel chest wherein the sternum is turned over resulting from a convex to a concave shape. The above-mentioned surgical procedure is usually performed through a vertical midline incision or a bilateral submammary incision, and thus in addition to leaving an unsightly scars, the procedure easily causes the anterior chest wall to lose its organizational flexibility with a high recurrence rate.
In 1986, while using the Ravitch procedure, Donald Nuss was struck with the flexibility of the rib cartilages and instead of removing it, he took advantage of its flexibility and malleability. He used a U-shaped stainless steel bar passed through small incisions on both sides of the chest, and traversing between the pericardium and the sternum. Under thoracoscopic guidance, the strut could be easily passed through the retrosternal space, and also behind the sternum without injuring the heart or lungs. The strut was then flipped to elevate the depressed thoracic wall. After ten years of closed-door study, Nuss reported this new technique for correcting pectus excavatum in 1998. As a result, without resection of costal cartilage or ribs, no sternal wedge resection, a revolutionary change in pectus excavatum surgery occurred, and the treatment for pectus excavatum officially enters the era of minimally invasive surgery (Fig 1). The simple design of the Nuss procedure provides a universal way to correct pectus excavatum for different types and age ranges (Fig 2) of patients. The author has experienced patients from age 2 to age 48 with excellent results. Because of its simplicity, the Nuss procedure leaves much room for personal style and surgeons can gradually develop their individual style and characteristics.
Compared with traditional open surgery, the Nuss procedure provides a lower recurrence rate, less injury, better results, and a wide range of indications for different type and severity of pectus excavatum. Some severe complications, such as accidental penetration into the lung or heart, have been reported in performing the Nuss procedure, but under the direct vision of thoracoscopy, such complications are almost entirely avoidable. The prophylactic use of antibiotics and stabilizers certainly reduces the complications of implant infection and displacement of the the strut.
In failed Ravitch or sternum turn over cases, revision has been made using the Nuss procedure that demonstrated good results (Fig 3 & 4).
In 2005, Nuss was invited to Taiwan where he introduced the innovated surgical operation. So far, Taiwan has had more than five hundred patients that have undergone the Nuss procedure. As with other surgery, the treatment of pectus excavatum is geared towards the development of minimally invasive surgery. The Nuss procedure has been carried out under the guidance of thoracoscopy in our series of 304 cases and is proved to be safe mostly with satisfactory results. No life-threatening complications were encountered. The incidence of minor complications, such as displacement of the struts, wound infection, unsatisfied chest contour, and pneumohemothorax are totally less than 6%, and only 5 cases (less than 1.6%) need a second operation. It is probably safe to predict that minimally invasive surgery will be the mainstream in the treatment of pectus excavatum. 


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Dr. 朱志純 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

心臟超音波檢查可分經食道及胸前兩種, 目前多是以經胸前之心臟超音波檢查主.

首先是心臟之結構;包括左心房(LA), 左心室(LV),右心房(RA),右心室(RV), 及二尖瓣(MV),三尖瓣(TV),肺動脈瓣(PV), 及主動脈瓣(AV). 身體流回心臟的缺氧血經上下腔靜脈流至右心房, 經過三尖瓣流入右心室, 右心室收縮再將血經肺動脈瓣打入肺動脈, 流入肺臟, 釋出二氧化碳, 取得氧氣, 再經肺靜脈流入左心房, 經二尖瓣流入左心室, 再經左心室肌收縮, 將血經主動脈瓣打入主動脈,灌注全身

心房,心室, 及瓣膜之結構是否正常, 包括大小, 收縮能力, 瓣膜結構是否增厚,逆流, 或脫垂.

一般來說, 漏斗胸的病患因心臟及肺受到壓迫, 常有三尖瓣逆流, 肺動脈瓣逆流, 二尖瓣脫垂, 及肺動脈壓力過高等等情形.

許多病友在經心臟超音波檢查時發現有肺動脈高. 這種情況在漏斗胸很普遍, 因此特別在此向大家說明.

心臟的右心室將全身缺氧的血液經肺動脈瓣膜擠入肺動脈, 再流到肺部進行氧氣交換, 而右心室及肺動脈就位於胸骨後方, 所以漏斗胸病友的凹陷胸壁正好壓迫在右心室及肺動脈上, 造成壓力升高. 另外, 因凹胸造成胸廓容積小而壓迫肺部, 也是造成肺脈高壓的原因之一
這個現象, 在科書中及醫學論文中尚未被提及, 但在我們的病友資料中卻很常見.

平常, 右心室及肺動脈的壓力, 在休息時是15~25mmHg, 在運動時則可到30mmHg. 在漏斗胸的病友們, 則是常高於這個數值. 肺動脈高壓可造成右心衰竭, 而且是凹胸常見的問題. 如能儘早矯治凹胸, 對肺動脈高壓, 應有積極的改善.

Dr. 朱志純 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

Age-related change of postoperative pain location after Nuss procedure for pectus excavatum.

作者: Nagasao T. Miyamoto J. Ichihara K. Jiang H. Jin H. Tamaki T.

機構: Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan.

European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. 38(2):203-8, 2010 Aug.


結果: 兒童偏向痛在前胸, 而成人偏向痛在背側. 分析為不同之張力分布所致.

結論: 手術後疼痛在兒童偏在前胸, 而在成人則偏在背部, 主要是反應了張力的分布.

Dr. 朱志純 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Age-related change of postoperative pain location after Nuss procedure for pectus excavatum.

Authors Nagasao T. Miyamoto J. Ichihara K. Jiang H. Jin H. Tamaki T.

Institution Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. nagasao@sc.itc.keio.ac.jp

Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010 Aug;38(2):208-9; PMID: 20346691


方法:在手術後第二天即要求病人指出明確痛的位置及張力分布之位置. 有12位兒童(9.4+/-2.3歲 )及13位成人(26.3+/-5.5歲).

結果:兒童主要痛在前胸壁; 而成人則主要痛在背部 皆與張力分布的位置符合.


Dr. 朱志純 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Mini Review

A Look at the History of Surgery for Pectus Excavatum

Chih-Chun Chu

Formos J Surg 2011;44:1-5

Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of
the anterior wall of the chest, in which several ribs,
costal cartilages and the sternum grow abnormally and
produc e s a caved- in appearance of the chest . PE is
usually considered to be cosmetic; however, depending
on its severity, the deformed chest wall can compress the
heart and reduce the thoracic volume, and impair cardiac
and respiratory function, distort spine curvature, and
cause pain in the chest.

A review of the literature shows that the first record
of pectus excavatum was probably written in the 16
the century by Johan Schenck ( 1 5 3 1 - 1 5 9 0 ) . Bauhinus
(1594) described a case in which the patient suffered
from shortness of breath and cough as a result of severe
pectus excava tum. In 1820, Coulson
cited a family including three brothers with a funnel chest. In 1872,
reported a patient born with a pectus
excavatum whose father and a brother also suffered from
the same condition. Ever since, the reported cases have
gradually increased, but treatment before the 20th
century was limited to fresh air, breathing exercises and
lateral pressure on the chest, all of which probably
exerted no substantial beneficial effect. During those
early days, technology of surgery and anesthesia was
unable to overcome lung collapse during thoracic
surgery, and the progress in treatment of pectus
excavatum remained stagnant until early 20th century.
Meyer in 1911 removed the first, second and third
costal cartilages of a patient with pectus excavatum, but
apparently did not attained the desired effect. Sauerbruch
in 1931,
performed surgery on a patient with pectus
excavatum suffering from severe dyspnea in a negative
pressure chamber wherein he removed a part of the
anterior chest wall which included the fifth to the ninth
costal cartilages, as well as a segment of the adjacent
sternum. After the procedure, the patient was able to
work, and even married three years later. It is difficult to
imagine how science and technology at the time was able
to complete such a type of operation. In the 1920’s, he
had already advocated bilateral removal of costal
cartilages and sternum transection in order to raise the
anterior chest wall. After the procedure, according to
Sauerbruch the patient had to stay in bed for external
traction to hold the anterior chest wall in position for 6
weeks or more. Although the process was very harmful,
the technology provided a method of treatment that had
not been achieved before, and it soon gained popularity
in Europe and the United States.

in 1939, Ochsner and DeBakey

published their
experience with the Sauerbruch's operation. In the same
year, Lincoln Brown

also published the experience with
two of his patients and theorized that the funnel chest is
caused by the short diaphragmatic ligaments and the
continuous pull of the diaphragm. Adopting the theory
and to avoid external retraction after operation, Ravitch

modified the operation by complete mobilization of the
sternum from its surrounding tissues, with transection of
all sternal attachments, including the intercostal bundles,
rectus muscles and diaphragmatic attachments. This
surgical technique eliminated the need after surgery of an
external device to lift the sternum. This is the current socalled traditional surgery most commonly referred to as
the Ravitch procedure. This procedure avoid the external
retraction but had a higher recurrence rate, and the
concept of internal support merged.

In 1956, Wallgren and Sulamaa

introduced for the
first time the concept of internal support technology.
They used a stainless steel bar pushed through the
sternum to lift the depressed chest wall from the inside.
In 1961, Adkins and Blades11 using a similar concept,
placed the steel bar beneath the sternum, rather than
through the sternum.

In 1958, Welch

modified the Ravitch procedure by
not cutting through all the intercostal bundles and rectus attachments and obtained good results. Pena
greatly disturbed by the idea of resecting the rib
cartilages of young children. Haller
also published a
report using the Ravitch procedure, but stated also that
the chest wall loses its elasticity, thus affecting the
respiratory function (acquired asphyxiating
chondrodystrophy). Therefore, he advocated to decrease
the amount of cartilage resected for surgical correction of
pectus excavatum.

Wada in 1961 reported a corrective operation for the
funnel chest wherein the sternum is turned over resulting
from a convex to a concave shape. The above-mentioned
surgicsl procedure is usually performed through a
vertical midline incision or a bilateral submammary
incision, and thus in addition to leaving an unsightly
scars, the procedure easily causes the anterior chest wall
to lose its organizational flexibility with a high
recurrence rate.

In 1986, while using the Ravitch procedure, Donald
Nuss was struck with the flexibility of the rib cartilages
and instead of removing it, he took advantage of its
flexibility and malleability. He used a U-shaped stainless
steel bar passed through small incisions on both sides of
the chest, and traversing between the pericardium and the
sternum. Under thoracoscopic guidance, the strut could
be easily passed through the retrosternal space, and also
behind the sternum without injuring the heart or lungs.
The strut was then flipped to elevate the depressed
thoracic wall. After ten years of closed-door study, Nuss
reported this new technique for correcting pectus
excavatum in 1998.

As a result, without resection of
costal cartilage or ribs, no sternal wedge resection, a
revolutionary change in pectus excavatu surgery
occurred, and the treatment for pectus excavatum
officially enters the era of minimally invasive surgery
( Fig 1 ). The simple design of the Nuss procedure
provides a universal way to correct pectus excavatum for
different types and age ranges (Fig 2) of patients. The
author has experienced patients from age 2 to age 48 with
excellent results. Because of its simplicity, the Nuss
procedure leaves much room for personal style and
surgeons can gradually develop their individual style and

Compared with traditional open surgery, the Nuss
procedure provides a lower recurrence rate, less injury,
better results, and a wide range of indications for
different type and severity of pectus excavatum. Some
severe complications, such as accidental penetration into
the lung or heart, have been reported in performing the
Nuss procedure, but under the direct vision of
thoracoscopy, such complications are almost entirely
avoidable. The prophylactic use of antibiotics and
stabilizers certainly reduces the complications of implant
infection and displacement of the the strut.
In failed Ravitch or sternum turn over cases, revision
has been made using the Nuss procedure that
demonstrated good results (Fig 3 & 4).

In 2005, Nuss was invited to Taiwan where he
introduced the innovated surgica l operation. So far,
Taiwan has had more than five hundred patients that have
undergone the Nuss procedure.

As with other surgery, the treatment of pectus
excavatum is geared towards the development of minimally invasive surgery. The Nuss procedure has been carried out under the guidance of thoracoscopy in our
series of 304 cases and is proved to be safe mostly with
satisfactory results. No life-threatening complications
were encountered. The incidence of minor complications,
such as displacement of the struts, wound infection,
unsatisfied chest contour, and pneumohemothorax are
totally less than 6%, and only 5 cases (less than 1.6%)
need a second operation. It is probably safe to predict that
minimally invasive surgery will be the mainstream in the
treatment of pectus excavatum.

Dr. 朱志純 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Dynamic effects of the Nuss procedure on the spine in asymmetric pectus excavatum.


Nagasao T, Noguchi M, Miyamoto J, Jiang H, Ding W, Shimizu Y, Kishi K.

Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. nagasao@sc.itc.keio.ac.jp



This study aimed to elucidate dynamic effects of the Nuss procedure on the spine in the treatment of patients with pectus excavatum with asymmetric thoraces.



第一組: 8人, 右胸凹陷, 脊柱右側凹.

第二組:4人, 右胸凹陷, 脊柱左側凹

第三組:5人, 左胸凹陷, 脊柱右側凹

第四組:8人, 左胸凹陷, 脊柱左側凹



第一組及第四組, 脊柱變直, 第二組及第三組, 側曲情況增加.



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Volume 140, Issue 1, Pages 39-44.e2 (July 2010)

Double-bar application decreases postoperative pain after the Nuss procedure


Tomohisa Nagaso, MDa, Junpei Miyamoto, MDa, Kiyokazu Kokaji, MDb, Ryohei Yozu, MDb, Hua Jiang, MDc, HongMei Jind, Tamotsu Tamaki, PhDe

臨床評估: 14位放置一條矯正板(bar)及10位放置兩條矯正板者比較其按PCA止痛裝置的次數及幾天可以下床.

理論評估: 以電腦斷層之三度空間胸廓模型計算其張力並比較放置一條及二條的差異.


臨床評估: 放置單一矯正板者相對於放置二條者, 使用止痛較頻繁. 也較慢能下床活動.

理論評估: 用兩條矯正板者, 胸廓壓力較小.


兩條矯正板能減緩術後疼痛, 因此, 當胸廓異常範圍大, 程度大時, 應考慮放兩條.
Performing double-bar placement decreases postoperative pain. Therefore, surgeons should not hesitate to perform double-bar correction in patients in whom the deformity extends to multiple intercostal spaces, requiring correction of the thorax shape at multiple sites.

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自從Dr. Donald Nuss 發明了凹胸治療的微創手術以來, 目前已成為治療漏斗胸的主流, 本文綜結了他21年來的經驗, 很值一讀.

出處: Ann Surg. 2010 Dec;252(6):1072-81.

Twenty-one years of experience with minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum by the Nuss procedure in 1215 patients.


Kelly RE, Goretsky MJ, Obermeyer R, Kuhn MA, Redlinger R, Haney TS, Moskowitz A, Nuss D.

Departments of Surgery and Pediatrics, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA, USA. robert.kelly@chkd.org

摘要: 21年來納式手術的演進, 使凹胸的微創手術更安全及成功.

自1997年Nuss等發表了微創手術的10年42例兒童的經驗以來, 又加上1173位病人, 並總結了在技術上的改進使得微創手術能更安全及成功.

1987至2008年間,共評估了2378位病人, 由胸部電腦斷層, 肺功能, 及心臟評估等, 如下列符合兩項以上者, 進行手術:

1. 凹陷指數大於3.25

2.心肺壓迫(電腦斷層顯示心肺功迫, 心電圖或心起音波呈現心律不整, 二尖瓣脫垂, 限制型肺功能障礙等等).

其中有51%(1215人)需手術治療. 1123人為第一次手術, 92年為再次手術. 已有854人移除矯正板.

結果: 手術病人年紀由1~31歲, 平均由6歲增加至14歲, 平均凹陷指數 5.15; 肺功能低於平均值15%, 18% 有心二尖瓣脫垂;16%有心律不整; 2.8%有基因檢測出馬凡症候群; 17.8%有馬凡症候群的肢體特徵; 28%有脊柱側曲.

69%用一條矯正板; 30%用二條; 0.4%用了三條.

手術併發症方面, 21年來漸漸下降, 矯正板位移的機會由12%降至1%; 傷口感染約1.4%; 血胸0.6%;

手術後肺功能明顯增進, 胸部外形95.8%良好, 1.4%改進, 0.8%不良, 有1.4%因凹陷異常嚴重, 需兩次手術. 平均手術後1341天(3年半)才移除矯正板.

在1215位病人中, 95.8%都有很好的治療結果.

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來源:J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2011 Jan-Feb;21(1):93-6. Epub 2011 Jan 8.

Treatment of pectus excavatum in patients over 20 years of age.


一般來漏斗胸的最佳治療時機是在18歲以前; 因為年紀太太時胸骨等彈性較差, 復原也較慢.

本文作著以19位20至27歲的病人治療經驗分析顯示, 若用了較強支撐之矯正板及止痛, 結果仍與年輕族群相似.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: From May 2003 to September 2009, 19 patients presenting PE (group 1), aged 20-27 years, underwent NP. A modified operation was performed in 10 patients using the scope at the axilla; the bar needed hyperconvex modeling in the middle and extended internal curving of its extremities before rotation at the thorax. A new and more resistant bar was designed and was used in the last 5 patients. Two stabilizers were implanted in 11 cases. Group 1 patients were compared with a group of 26 teenagers operated on before 20 years of age (group 2) during the same period.

RESULTS: All operations could be performed despite the more intense rigidity of the anterior thoracic wall in group 1. It was easier in the last patients who received thicker bars. After the third postoperative day, the operations were more painful in group 1, requiring more potent analgesic drugs. However, the adults were more tolerant and complained less than most patients of group 2. There were no differences between the two groups in operative times, complications, or hospitalization.

CONCLUSIONS: Patients with PE can be operated on during the third decade of life by the NP, facilitated by compensating bending of the bar, a stronger bar, and the use of potent analgesics, leading to outcomes similar to those in younger patients.

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The Predictive Value of Haller Index in Patients Undergoing Pectus Bar Repair for Pectus Excavatum


凹陷指數Haller index (HI) 是目前最常被採用的凹胸(漏斗胸)嚴重程度的量化測量. 本文以單一矯正板的病人為研究對象, 發現262位病人中, 不論其年紀, 在手術時間, 術後感染, 氣胸, 住院天數等個項中, 不論凹陷程度如何, 均無顯著差異.

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以前曾與Nuss討論過這個問題, 他的經驗是沒有問題, 最近國內兩例也順利懷孕生產. 只是目前的論文及不足, 所以仍需視個別情況而定. 以下是一位海外病友的自述


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The Journal of pediatrics. 2011 Mar 21;

Increasing Severity of Pectus Excavatum Is Associated with Reduced Pulmonary Function.

隨著凹胸程度嚴重, 肺功能降低

Lawson ML, Mellins RB, Paulson JF, Shamberger RC, Oldham K, Azizkhan RG, Hebra AV, Nuss D, Goretsky MJ, Sharp RJ, Holcomb GW, Shim WK, Megison SM, Moss RL, Fecteau AH, Colombani PM, Moskowitz AB, Hill J, Kelly RE

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether pulmonary function decreases as a function of severity of pectus excavatum, and whether reduced function is restrictive or obstructive in nature in a large multicenter study.

STUDY DESIGN: We evaluated preoperative spirometry data in 310 patients and lung volumes in 218 patients aged 6 to 21 years at 11 North American centers. We modeled the impact of the severity of deformity (based on the Haller index) on pulmonary function.

RESULTS: The percentages of patients with abnormal forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV(1)), forced expiratory flow from 25% exhalation to 75% exhalation, and total lung capacity findings increased with increasing Haller index score. Less than 2% of patients demonstrated an obstructive pattern (FEV(1)/FVC <67%), and 14.5% demonstrated a restrictive pattern (FVC and FEV(1) <80% predicted; FEV(1)/FVC >80%). Patients with a Haller index of 7 are >4 times more likely to have an FVC of ≤80% than those with a Haller index of 4, and are also 4 times more likely to exhibit a restrictive pulmonary pattern.
結果:不正常的肺功能指標的比率, 如用力肺活量(FVC), 第一秒FVC, 25~75%用力呼氣速度 , 及全肺容量(TLC)等等肺功能指標, 皆隨凹陷指數(Haller index)之增加而增加. 如凹陷指數大於7, 則有大於四倍的機會有限制性肺功能障礙.

CONCLUSIONS: Among patients presenting for surgical repair of pectus excavatum, those with more severe deformities have a much higher likelihood of decreased pulmonary function with a restrictive pulmonary pattern.

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一位五歲男童, 在手術前不但在外觀上已有明顯的凹陷, 胸部電腦斷層檢查發現其心臟已受到擠壓

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