在2008年的一篇文章, (European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 30 (2006) 801—804), 與我的觀點頗相近, 節錄部分供大家參考:
50.8%的病人有運動耐受性不良及易於疲勞等心肺功能障礙的症狀, 但99%的病人卻為外觀而求診治
The better cosmetic results are achievable in patients
under 12 years of age, even in case with asymmetric and
mixed deformities. 十二歲以下, 即使是不對稱型的, 也有較好的外觀. 十五歲以上, 因胸部較"硬", 可能單一矯正板不能完全矯正(這點可能國人與西方人不同, 所用的設計方法也不同, 我的經驗: 甚至有30歲的用單一矯正板也有不錯的效果.)
EKG abnormalities, including cardiac axis deviation and
abnormal repolarization, were observed in62.9% 心電圖異常者佔62.9%
patients. Mitral valve prolapse was seen in 59% patients. 二尖瓣脫垂佔了59%
Pulmonary function tests predominantly revealed a restrictive
pattern which was encountered in 38.6% patients. 肺功能有38.6%呈現限制性功能不良.
有30.2%者, 雖然凹陷指數(Haller index)小於3.25, 仍有手術之必要 (Haller index 使用雖然方便, 但卻無法完全代表漏斗胸的嚴重程度)
There were 54.2% symmetric, 37.1 %asymmetric with sternal rotation, and
8.7% mixed with flat or pigeon chest deformities. 有54.2%是屬對稱型, 37.1%為不對稱型, 8.7%為與扁平或凸胸混合型.