一個早就想做,卻被美國人搶先發表的研究: 在漏斗胸病人接受納氏手術中, 以經食道做心臟超音波檢查, 評估在手術中胸壁被擡起來之前後心臟功能的變化. 發表於American Journal of Surgery (2015) 210,1118-1125
Surgical repair of pectus excavatum relieves right heart chamber compression and improves cardiac output in adult patients-an intraoperative transesophageal echocardiographic study (chestwall.org/ice/incoming/www.chestwall.org/ba_meeting_forum/files/am j of sx 2015 sx rpr of PE releaves r heart compress.output in adult.pdf)
METHODS: A retrospective evaluation was performed of 168 adult patients who underwent a modified Nuss PE repair with intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography from 2011 to 2014. Seventeen patients with prior PE repair undergoing bar removal acted as controls.
RESULTS: Mean age was 33.0 years (range, 18 to 71 years). There was an increase in right atrium
(15.1%), tricuspid annulus (10.9%), and right ventricular outflow tract (6.1%) size after surgery (all P
, .0001). Right ventricular cardiac output measured in a subset of 42 patients improved by 38%. No change
in chamber size or cardiac output occurred before and after bar removal surgery in the control group.
CONCLUSIONS: Surgical correction of PE deformity caused a significant improvement in right heart
chamber size and cardiac output. (成年人在接受納氏手術中以經食道心超音波檢查發現, 比較手術前後, 右心室泵出增加38%;右心房增加15%, 三尖瓣環增加10.9%, 右心室出口增加6.1%)
可見被壓迫的心臟在手術中胸壁被擡起來瞬間, 心功能立即的改善.