雖有許多鋅缺乏造成漏斗胸的說法, 但在正式文獻中僅查到這一篇
Z Kinderchir. 1987 Aug;42(4):228-9.
[Pathogenesis of chest wall abnormalities--electron microscopy studies and trace element analysis of rib cartilage]
[Article in German]
Rupprecht H, Hümmer HP, Stöss H, Waldherr T.
Kinderchirurgische Abteilung, Chirurgischen Universitätsklinik Erlangen.
In 71 patients with chest deformity (Group B) and in 43 patients who underwent thoracotomy due to heart disease (Group BN), cartilage of the ribs was removed intraoperatively. Analyses of trace elements showed a highly significant decrease in zinc, coupled with a significant increase in magnesium and calcium in Group B. Electron microscope studies in the cartilage of patients with chest deformity revealed chondrocytes with a normal structure only in some parts, but many degenerative altered chondrocytes with vacuoles of fat and osmiophilic depositions, as well as atypical fibrils and so-called "long-spacing collagen".
(德文 1987年)
在71位胸廓異常病人(B組)及43位因其他疾病而接受開胸手術的病人(BN組)手術中取出之肋軟骨做分析比較; 在B組中發現有明顯的鋅量低及鎂及鈣高的情形, 電子顯微鏡下也呈現僅部分軟骨細胞正常, 而有許多軟骨細胞異常退化現象及膠原纖維異常.
但這篇中僅分析肋軟骨之成份, 並未對病人血中鋅濃度做分析比較, 不能直接證明鋅缺乏是造成漏斗胸的原因之一.
- Nov 11 Wed 2009 10:13