最佳的年紀是在6至15歲之間, 但因病情, 由1至50歲的病友們都可接受手術.
症狀漸漸加重, 如運動能力及耐受力, 胸痛, 及呼吸短促等等及其他的症狀..
無症狀的病人接受運動訓練及姿勢改善, 六個月後重新評估, 如有症狀, 則可能評估手術之必要.
有症狀的病人接受電腦斷層檢查, 肺功能檢查, 及心臟檢查; 依檢查結果, 決定是否手術; 大致上, 如Haller index指數大於3.2, 有肺塌陷, 肺功能不良, 心臟受壓迫, 二尖瓣脫垂, 心雜音, 及心房心室傳導延遲等等.
病人如有如馬凡症候群, Ehlers-Danlos或波蘭症候群等.
History of progressive worsening of the pectus excavatum.
History of the symptoms related but not limited to exercise intolerance, chest pain and shortness of breath.
Clinical evaluation showing severe pectus with the demonstration of cardiac displacement and pulmonary compromise.
Asymptomatic patients are given an exercise program to correct their posture and are reevaluated every 6 months to follow their progress. Patients will be moved into the symptomatic group as indicated by their symptoms.
Symptomatic patients are sent for a CT scan, pulmonary-function studies and cardiology examinations. Surgery is supported by the results of the objective criteria obtained from these exams. The criteria includes a CT index (Haller index) of 3.2 or greater, atelectasis, abnormal pulmonary function, cardiac compression, mitral valve prolapse, heart murmurs and A-V conduction delay. These patients may have other abnormalities, such as Marfan's syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos or Poland's syndrome.
- Jul 21 Wed 2010 09:30